
Hog Deer Hunting Australia
Ian McDonall  Mt. Gambier South Australia April 2018
Jim Shockey+Cameraman Matt with Jims SCI World Record For Archery Hog Deer 2014
Ben Smith   Beenleigh Queensland  2018
Craig Harper Tennessee USA April 2019
Ian McDonnell  Februry 2019
Henry Straker-Smith from UK 1/02/2019
Steve & Guide Jacko  2018
Bob Burke (Editor Wild Deer Magazine) 2013
Colorado Buck USA 2013
Melissa King NSW Australia 2013
Tamara. Sale Victoria April 2018
Corrie in her Camo April 2018
Sindy Moe Victoria April 2018
Neil & Jacko April 2018
Danny Edebohls from Gippsland April 2018
Simon Mulrayney  Sth. Australia April 2018
Alan Rumble Gippsland Vic Australia April 2018
2 Foxs from the Hog Deer Property
Sea Eagles on the Hog Deer Property
Emus are wild on the property
Dean,Thomas Jacko the guide Jens,Neil Thomas is a Photropher and Journalist came with Jens to record the hunt both are from Denmark.
Holger Jensen from Jensen Safaris South Africa 2017
Guide Jacko,Jeans Knudsen from Denmark,JP Sth Africa,Thomas Nissen a Journalist from Denmark,Jim Shockey Canada,Matt Jims Cameraman,Holger Jensen Sth.Africa all haveing a chat after the days hunting.
Neil Petersen from South Australia 2017
Black Swans and their babys
Numerous Kangaroos on the property
Danny Edebohls from Gippsland 2017
Michael Makueshev  2017
Michael Mira a successful disabled hunter from NSW with his well earnt Trophy April 2017
A few wild Ducks always on the Hog Deer Property
Dean with his 2017 Trophy
Thomas the Journalist and Cameraman with Jeans Knudsens Trophy 2017 both travelled from Denmark Europe
Bronze Whaler Shark caught on the property during the April Hog Deer Hunt
Jack,Maddo,Neil with their 2017 Trophys
Guide Jacko young Jack and Maddo 2017
Hunting April 2016 Ken Barr  California USA
Hunting April 2016 Douglas Score 107 7/8
Hunting April 2016 Gary Mason Newcasle Australia
Hunting April 2016 Jim Lay Stratford Vic. Australia
Hunting April 2016 Les + Melissa King ,Scone,NSW,Australia
Jacko & Neil 2015
Tim Ward 2015 On Target Hunting Outfitter
Glenn Jones 2015 Tasmania Australia
Tony Crnjac 2015 ACT Australia
Mario Dosen 2015 ACT Australia
13 year old Dean 2015 with his Hoggy, 120 meter shot in the neck
Hog Deer Hunting Australia
Hog Deer Hunting Australia
Hog Deer Hunting Australia
Hog Deer Hunting Australia
Graheme Potts South Australia 2014
Hog Deer Hunting Australia
Jason De Visser Victoria Australia 2009
Hog Deer Hunting Australia
Hog Deer on a frosty morning
Hog Deer Hunting Australia
Hog Deer in Velvet
Hog Deer Hunting Australia
Hog Deer in Velvet
Hog Deer in Velvet
Hog Deer in Velvet
David Duffy Sydney NSW 2012
Hog Deer Hunting Australia
Hog Deer Hunting Australia
Hog Deer Hunting Australia
Hog Deer Hunting Australia
Emus walking across the lake on the property
Daryl Fleming Gormandale Victoria Australia 2010
Neil,Jason, Daryl Victoria Australia 2010
Grant Tipling New Zealand 2012
Hog Deer Hunting Australia
Hog Deer Hunting Australia
Hog Deer Hunting Australia
Hog Deer Hunting Australia
Colorado Buck USA 2013
Hog Deer Hunting Australia
Hog Deer Hunting Australia
Father Bob with son Neil 2013
Full Mounted Hog DeerTaxidermy by Cam Johnson Perry Bridge Victoria Australia
Hog Deer Hunting Australia
Full Mounted Hog Deer Taxidermy by Cam Johnson Perry Bridge Victoria Australia
Hog Deer trophy 2008
Hog Deer trophy 2009
Hog Deer non typical half mount taxidermy by Cam Johnson Perry Bridge Victoria Australia
C J Sibert USA 2013
Hog Deer Hunting Australia
Hog Deer Hunting Australia
Hog Deer Hunting Australia
Hog Deer in velvet resting in the sun
Hog Deer Hunting Australia
Hog Deer Mum, Bub and Dad
Hog Deer Stag sniffing the air for our scent.
Hog Deer Hunting Australia
Hog Deer Hunting Australia
Hog Deer Hunting Australia
Kissing Cousins
Hog Deer Hunting Australia
Hog Deer Hunting Australia
Family portrait Dean,Neil and Jacko
Hog Deer Hunting Australia
Geoff Abrahall H&S Firearms Sale Victoria Australia2014
Hog Deer Hunting Australia
Malcolm Buckley  Quenbeyan NSW 2014
Hog Deer minding his Doe
Hog Deer Hunting Australia